I haven't ever thought too much of numbers. In fact I hated math in school. But a few people lately have talked with me about significance of numbers in there lives. Even numbered years or odd numbered years correlating to good or bad years in their particular lives. If I thought about it I do suppose that in general I do find that I prefer even numbers over all, I’m very obsessive about my car stereo volume. Thinking of the new year and the year that has just passed doesn’t bring much encouragement, number wise. Nothing of much significance happened in two thousand and twelve. I still live in the same house in the same town with the same two jobs and the same friends that I see every two, or greater, months. I don’t believe I read more than three books this year, I never kept a journal, I could hardly keep up with blogging, I never left my house aside from work or the grocery store, so clearly I met no one new. And those mayan’s were sure proven wrong. But then, I turn my thoughts to things of little significance, the small changes made in two thousand and twelve that one by one though subtle, are bettering who I am. A dog found me, and like the grinch I think my heart that was two sizes too small has been growing times three since that day. The salon I am at is perfection and I have genuinely come to realize that I truly love what I do. When a twelve hour day feels like two, there must be something right. I’ve incorporated more grains into my diet, which sounds really lame but I did say it’s about the the subtleties. I began to garden, there is something magical about picking fresh tomatoes and drying your own herbs then preparing them for dinner that very day. I’ve stopped taking traditional medicine and am focusing on holistic healing instead. Scones have become my new favorite thing to bake. Oh and I cut my own bangs. While in Disneyland a few weeks ago I noticed there were all sorts of “2013” items out, and most of them had little clovers or a horseshoe or even the number seven all around the year. It took me a few times seeing these that I realized, oh “lucky thirteen” and that changed everything. Leave it to disney to put a wonderful spin on something I thought to be hopeless. Two thousand and thirteen, I am calling on you to be lucky, if not lucky at least be memorable.
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