Janet and I went through beauty school together, our work stations were often times next to each other and we bonded over our mutual love for disney, michael jackson music and Jesus. when Janet got engaged last year I was overjoyed and even more ecstatic to be asked to do her hair and take care of her bridesmaids and mother's hair and makeup on her wedding day. Janet has always worked for chanel cosmetics since I've known her and is one of the people who kindled my love for their makeup and skincare, her longtime friend and co-worker Sandy was to do her makeup for the day of. the morning of the wedding was quite peaceful, there were just a few ladies in her party with a darling suite and plenty of room for everyone to relax. as I began on the bridesmaids hair and makeup we turned on some disney music to wake everyone up and as Janet says, and I totally agree, "it's my happy music!" as a lover of beauty she and let the girls choose what style they'd like for their hair and each let me play with their makeup just ensuring everyone was picture perfect. the girls chose all-down and curled, but each a little different, one with loose curls, an other bouncy and an other glamorous curls with lots of volume. for their makeup a few of my favorite products used were giorgio armani foundation for long wear and an even build able coverage, chanel bronzing powder for that sun kissed glow, a favorite coral and pink toned blush by make-up designory, and of course different variations of chanel eyeshadows for each. for Janet our lovely bride's hair she desired a very elegant and classic old hollywood wave. I used aquage thermal spray for protection and hold then after brushing the curls to achieve the soft wave I used a touch of finishing spray and my personal favorite beyond shine. I could not be more in love with her choice and I think it turned out beautifully, she truly looked like a perfect disney princess. congratulations janet, so happy for you and matthew. wishing you the very best.
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